A marketing insight for smaller brands for their content strategy - Sajith Mathew

An Insight for Smaller Brands to Effectively Drive Sales

Here’s an insight for the small brands out there to effectively drive sales – based on a 4-year research study.

Smaller coffee brands can model the content that established brands like Starbucks are using to get into people’s minds in that category.

Small brands should use ad creatives that are similar to those of larger competitors and consistently repeat them. 

Large brands should change up their creatives often.

Well-known brands like Starbucks have to come up with fresh creatives and ideas for their content often. Else people will get bored.

But why is this?

The smaller brands first have to get into people’s minds to establish in a category before getting those sales. And using similar ad content used by top brands in a category and being consistent with it helps in this process.

Larger brands are already established in people’s minds. Think about Porsche – most of us know that they’re high-performance luxury cars.

Brands like Porsche have set up a space in our mind that they stand for high-end performance and luxury cars. This whole sense clicks on our minds when hearing the brand Porsche.

Now, think about TSP – nope, almost no one knows what they are and what they sell?

If TSP is an upcoming high-performance luxury car manufacturer, using a content strategy similar to Porsche and consistently doing it establishes it in people’s minds.

A new and upcoming car brand positioned in Porsche’s category can model Porsche’s content to get into people’s minds in that category.

Reiterating the insight – 

Small brands should use ad creatives that are similar to those of larger competitors and consistently repeat them. 

Large brands should change up their creatives often.

Apply this in your Fb ads campaigns, Google ads, or any kind of social media or any other marketing campaign.

Based on a research study by Maren Becker and Maarten Gijsenberg

If you’d like to start implementing this effectively in your marketing campaigns, book a free strategy call here.